How PRSSA Has Shaped My Future

Source: Josie Bobeck
PRSSA has been the highlight of my college experience. I always talk about how much I love this organization, and it's because I really do love and advocate for this organization with everything in me. I wouldn't be where I am if I hadn't joined this PRSSA, plain and simple.
PRSSA has opened up a world of opportunities. I've travelled, presented (twice!) at the National Conference, networked my heart out, and have met people from all around the world because of PRSSA. You learn a lot about who you are when you invest so much of yourself and your time in to something that can be so beneficial to your future.

PRSSA helped me fall back in love in public relations. Whenever I doubted my future, PRSSA always reminded me I chose the right path. Having an idea of what you might want to do but not knowing exactly what that is is scary, but PRSSA really helped me figure out what I want to spend my life doing and is going to help me get there.
Everyone in this organization is so smart and so different. Everyone you meet has different strengths, whether it's writing an awesome press release or handling social media like a pro. You learn something new from everyone you meet and that's wonderful for your network. Not to mention, these people have become my lifelong friends, and I love them so much.
I have so many memories with my friends at PRSSA. From figuring out the bus system in Boston to stressing out at E-Board meetings together, we have been through a lot. If you're considering running for an E-Board position in March, I highly suggest doing so. You learn so much about the industry, who you are as a person, and what you want to do.
Josie Bobeck is a senior majoring in public relations and minoring in communication. She is currently the VP of Public Relations, previously serving as VP of Member Relations. Josie hopes to one day work in a creative environment and wants to travel the world. Connect with Josie at